Performance HealthCheck

Licensed basic freeware and fee based option

Performance HealthCheck evaluates performance factors of a complete Db2 subsystem, or a Db2 group and each of its members.

It presents an overview of critical factors that might affect the performance of the system, including the Coupling Facility (CF) in a data sharing environment. CF checks cover the level of the microcode, the transfer time, the number of rejects, the false contention percentage, the subchannel busy percentage and finally the all paths busy count.

Key Benefits

  • Evaluates performance critical components of a complete Db2 subsystem or a data sharing group
  • Reports warnings about performance violations as well as general messages regarding the overall health of the system
  • Checks the stress of the Coupling Facility

Two options

  • The licensed basic Freeware: Counts the problems by presenting an overview of critical factors in a Db2 subsystem or data sharing environment
  • The fee based option:
    Recommends or performs corrective actions and details all the problems

The foundation of the extensive analysis of Performance HealthCheck is based on IBM’s own recommendations and Best Practices.