Webinar: The zGUI r(evolution) – What is ZOWE going to do for me?

Tuesday May 12th, 2020

10 am (EDT) – New York
04 pm (CET) – Berlin – Paris – Madrid


In this webinar I will show how we went from 0 – 100 with ZOWE.

When I logged into the browser interface of Zowe the first time, I was welcomed by a shiny blue desktop with a task bar at the bottom and a menu button like you know from several PC operating systems.

Supposedly, I saw the future of mainframe software development here. Since I had heard rumors that ZOWE was to be announced at the next IDUG, I began looking for Db2 in that pretty new world.

Join me on my journey to my first Db2 z/OS App within the Zowe ecosystem.

  • Pre-reqs you have to get right
  • Knowledge you must have
  • What we did and How we did it
  • How it looks today (Tomorrow will be different!)

*** Latest Update *** Roys Zowe 1.11.0 webinar add on:

Speaker biography

Roy Boxwell has more than 34 years of experience in MVS, OS/390, and z/OS environments – 31 of those in Db2. He specializes in installation, migration, and performance monitoring and tuning. Roy leads the SEG development team responsible for the real time database maintenance solutions. He is also an active participant, speaker and contributor on the IDUG Db2 Listserv and sends out a monthly Db2 z/OS Newsletter.